Managing a Diagnosis: Brian’s FTD Story

In 2020, when Brian Dowden was in his late 30s, he noticed changes in his cognitive abilities while preparing to take the licensing exams required by his profession. “It was supposed to be an easy test for the most part,” he said. “I started studying and immediately began to struggle. I just couldn’t retain the…


Lorain County Senior Expo

AFTD volunteer Sharon Land will be hosting an information table at the Lorain County Senior Expo on September 10 from 10 AM-1 PM EDT.  Go to the event website to learn more or register.


AFTD und ALLFTD arbeiten bei einem Video zur Gehirnspende zusammen

Graphic: AFTD and ALLFTD Collaborate on Brain Donation Video

AFTD and ALLFTD have partnered to create a brief animated video that explains the brain donation process, as well as how it helps FTD researchers and families affected by FTD. Discussing brain donation can be difficult for families, so beginning the conversation early can provide family members with the time to consider options, share preferences,…


Liebe HelpLine: Unterstützung bei familiärer und genetischer FTD

Graphic: Dear HelpLine: Support for Familial and Genetic FTD

Dear HelpLine, My mom was recently diagnosed with FTD; my late uncle and grandmother had dementia, and I’m concerned that this may be genetic. Is there support for people facing uncertain genetic status? Most people diagnosed with FTD have a sporadic form of the disorder, meaning there is no apparent familial history of neurodegenerative disease.…


FTD: Die andere Demenz

AFTD-Botschafterin Nanci Anderson gibt einen Überblick über FTD sowie über die in den Twin Cities und von AFTD verfügbaren Ressourcen. Laden Sie diesen Flyer herunter, um mehr zu erfahren.


17. Juli 2024 — FTD: Die andere Demenz

AFTD Ambassador Nanci Anderson will provide an overview of FTD, along with available resources available in the Twin Cities and from AFTD. The event will take place on July 17, 2024, from 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. CT. It will be located at the Plymouth Community Center’s Education Wing (Classroom 1C), at 14800 34th Avenue…


Vesper Bio schließt Phase der klinischen Studie mit ansteigender Einzeldosis für eine mögliche krankheitsmodifizierende Behandlung von FTD-GRN ab

Vesper Bio Completes Ascending Dose Phase

Biotechnology company Vesper Bio announces it has completed the single ascending dose stage in its clinical trial of its potentially disease-modifying treatment for FTD-GRN. The recently completed trial evaluated the safety and tolerability of the orally administered drug VES001 in people without FTD. The goal of the single ascending dose stage was to determine how…
