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Sylvia Gentry spoke with the Philadelphia Inquirer about the path to diagnosis and caring for her husband.

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At tage sig af en syg elsket på trods af isolationen, hjertesorgen

Caregiver Maureen Walsh shares her experience of getting an accurate diagnosis for her husband and how she…

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Frontotemporal Degeneration: The Dementia Doctors Mistake for a Midlife Crisis

AFTD Medical Advisory Council member, Dr. Bradford Dickerson, contributed to an article about the difficulties associated with…

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FTD Research Challenges

This video from the NIH’s Alzheimer’s Disease-Related Dementias: Research Challenges and Opportunities meeting, co-sponsored by AFTD, discusses how…

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MAC Chair Receives Award from American Academy of Neurology

AFTD’s Medical Advisory Council Chair, Dr. M. Marsel Mesulam, was awarded the 2014 Potamkin Prize for his contributions to…

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Max’s Catch-a-Thon

Max Portnoy, of Bethesda, MD, organized a three hour catch-a-thon to support AFTD and to honor his…

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AFTD og ADDF Award Grants Finansiering af FTD-forskning

Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration (AFTD) og Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF) annoncerede for nylig, at modtagerne...

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University of Pennsylvanias FTD Caregiver Conference – 30. maj 2014

On Friday, May 30, 2014, the Penn Frontotemporal Degeneration Center will host its annual FTD Caregiver Conference. …

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Katie Brandt’s Speech on Rare Disease Day in Boston

AFTD volunteer and AFTD New England Regional Coordinator Katie Brandt spoke on Feb. 28th at the State…

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28. februar: Dag for sjældne sygdomme

In support of Rare Disease Day, AFTD will be represented at a Rare Disease Day event in Massachusetts by…

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