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Changes in Eye Can Predict Changes in Brain

Researchers have shown that loss of cells in the retina is one of the earliest signs of…

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Chicago Family Offers Unique Prize at Benefit Auction

The Pierce family held their annual golf outing and auction on July 25th. Among the prizes to…

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FTD inkluderet for første gang i den nationale plan for at helbrede Alzheimers sygdom og andre demenssygdomme

Frontotemporal degeneration (FTD), en sygdomsproces, der resulterer i progressiv skade på tindinge- og/eller frontallapperne...

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AFTD to Co-Sponsor Workshop

AFTD along with the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke and the ALS Foundation are co-sponsoring…

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Family Opens Up About Experience with FTD

The Harvey Family of Connecticut, who lost their husband and father, Kevin, in 2012, were recently interviewed…

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Powerful Patient Podcast

Katie Brandt, AFTD Regional Volunteer Coordinator for New England, was interviewed July 24 on a Powerful Patient podcast….

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I sygdom og i sundhed

A Pennsylvania caregiver tells her story of reuniting with her high school sweetheart later in life, and…

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Hvad du bør vide om FTD

Caregiver.com explains common symptoms of FTD, as well as why the early signs are often overlooked and misdiagnosed….

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PA-familien fortsætter fars arv gennem Bill's Best barbecue sauce

The Fehon family shared the story of their experiences with their husband/father’s FTD and the family business…

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AFTDs administrerende direktør, Susan Dickinson, skal interviewes på NeuroMatters

AFTD Executive Director Susan Dickinson will be interviewed by Dr. Samuel Brinkman about FTD on his internet…

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