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Genterapi kunne reparere hjerneskade forårsaget af demens, viser undersøgelser

A recent study by the University of Cambridge has shown “promising evidence” that gene therapy has the potential to repair brain damage…

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Historier om FTD Genetics omtalt i "Brain & Life" Magazine

Brain & Life magazine recently told the stories of two people whose lives have been affected by FTD, and who participated in the March 5…

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AFTD Founding Board Member Talks about Creation of FTD Caregiver Resource Book

AFTD founding Board member Lisa Radin shared her journey of being an FTD caregiver during Massachusetts General Hospital’s “Community…

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AFTD Volunteer Living with PPA interviewet på "Rodger That" Podcast

AFTD volunteer Jennifer Lee discussed how her life has changed since being diagnosed with primary progressive aphasia…

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Landmark $20MM Donation brændstof AFTD's arbejde målrettet FTD

Donald and Susan Newhouse AFTD is grateful to announce the creation of The Donald and Susan Newhouse…

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Brain-Imaging undersøgelse undersøger muligheden for at genoprette empati hos personer med FTD

Scientists at Western University’s Robarts Research Institute are using brain scanning systems on persons diagnosed with FTD to develop therapies that may restore their empathy.   Dr. Elizabeth Finger, associate…

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3/5/21: AFTD EL-PFDD Møde med FDA

  Den 5. marts var AFTD vært for et virtuelt eksternt ledet patientfokuseret lægemiddeludviklingsmøde (EL-PFDD) med fokus på...

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“White Matter Hyperintensities” More Abundant in Brains of Persons with FTD Than Alzheimer’s, Study Shows

The volume of white matter hyperintensities, or the damaged areas of the brain that are visible on MRI scans, were larger in…

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Women With bvFTD Have More Executive Function than Men, Study Finds

Women diagnosed with behavioral variant FTD (bvFTD) have been found to demonstrate “higher behavioral and executive reserve” compared to men with bvFTD, a new study has…

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Opbyg et fællesskab omkring minder med "Husk mig"-podcasten

(above, L-R: Rachael Martinez and her dad, Frank; Maria Kent Beers and her mom, Amalia) With every…

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