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AFLYST: Philadelphia Marathon

21. november 2020 - 22. november 2020

Philadelphia Marathon Logo

The Philadelphia Marathon has been canceled in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The event has been rescheduled for November 2021.

Note: Anyone who was registered on the AFTD-Team for this race, and/or anyone who fundraised for AFTD through this event, your registration/fundraising will be honored for next year’s event.

For more information regarding the AFTD-Team Race Season, Klik her or contact AFTD Special Events Manager Bridget Graham at


21. november 2020
22. november 2020
Begivenhed Kategorier:


Philadelphia Museum of Art<span id="visitor_timezone_time" style="display:none;" class="12:00 am">Starttidspunkt, hvor du er: Ugyldig tidszone UTC</span>
2600 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy
Philadelphia, PA 19130 Forenede Stater
+ Google Maps