Volunteer Update: AFTD Welcomes New AFTD Ambassadors

Graphic: Volunteer Update - AFTD Welcomes New Ambassadors. Photos of Shirley Gordon and Zoy Kocian.

Since the AFTD Ambassador Program began in 2019, our initial cohort of volunteer leaders has grown into an enthusiastic and highly motivated group working toward a future free from FTD.

AFTD is pleased to welcome two new members to the group, bringing the program to a total of 20 Ambassadors.

Zoy Kocian | Texas

Photo: Zoy Kocian Zoy learned about AFTD after her mom was diagnosed with FTD in 2012. She began attending support group meetings with her dad that year and volunteered for her first AFTD event shortly after that. Zoy soon became committed to raising awareness about AFTD and FTD through volunteer-driven campaigns like With Love, Food for Thought, and the AFTD-Team. Her efforts led her to become an AFTD Regional Coordinator Volunteer in 2016, and while she stepped down from that role in 2019, about a year after her mother passed away, she never stopped her fundraising and awareness efforts. In 2024, after co-hosting an AFTD Meet & Greet and attending the AFTD Education Conference, Zoy decided to get more involved with FTD advocacy by becoming an AFTD Ambassador.

Shirley Gordon | New Hampshire

Photo: Shirley Gordon Shirley has been active with AFTD since 2008, when her beloved husband Mike was diagnosed with FTD. Her volunteer activities include representing AFTD at local events, hosting Food for Thought fundraisers, taking part in speaking engagements, and facilitating support groups. Shirley has also done legislative work for caregivers and is a Certified Dementia Practitioner and Caregiver Coach. In 2023, AFTD nominated Shirley for a seat on the Advisory Council on Alzheimer’s Research, Care, and Services, which was established by the federal National Alzheimer’s Project Act. Since Mike’s passing in June 2020, Shirley has dedicated herself to educating and supporting folks affected by FTD, Alzheimer’s disease, and other dementias. She is honored to represent AFTD as an Ambassador for New Hampshire, and passionately hopes that someday we will find the cure for FTD.

What is an AFTD Ambassador?

Ambassadors are volunteer leaders who represent AFTD in communities across the United States, raising awareness of FTD through networking, outreach, speaking engagements, advocacy work, and attending events on behalf of AFTD. Ambassadors also connect people affected by FTD or those working on their behalf with AFTD’s resources, information, and opportunities to get involved.

Folks interested in becoming Ambassadors are asked first to collaborate with AFTD in leading a few community awareness activities. If that goes well, Ambassadors make a two-year commitment to this volunteer leadership position, and receive the training, materials, and support they need to be effective representatives in their community. Ambassadors meet monthly with each other and AFTD leadership to discuss their work.

If you are interested in becoming an AFTD Ambassador in your state or region, please reach out to us at volunteer@theaftd.org!

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